The Challenge
Substructure for the Gandslam residential complex in Pieterlen, consisting of three buildings clad with ceramic(extruded terracotta profiles) and sheet metal modules (parapet). For the ceramic façade, there are three different modules in special format, each with different geometries. In addition, they have extremely small cavities and are partly laid wildly in the facade.
The Ecolite Solution
Thermo V-brackets with vertical T-profiles, on which horizontal support profiles ZF are placed. ZF holders are placed in the support profiles, which have previously been mechanically machined or modified with partial milling in order to accommodate the special hole geometries of the ceramic modules. Since the modules are also installed in mirrored form, a total of 26 different types of holders are used, which are drawn on the respective facade plans.
Ecolite Products
These Ecolite products were used:
Primary substructure consisting of Thermo V-brackets, and T-profiles. Then the ZF system for ceramic modules consisting of: ZF supporting profiles, ZF end supporting profiles and ZF machined holders.
For the sheet metal facade in the parapet the OM system consisting of: Thermo H-brackets, angle profiles, omega profiles, Z-profiles.
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Photos: Ecolite AG